CM 2:
The 7-step model for sustainable change
The disciplined flow of Creative Mind.

Available online now
Stephen Gilligan introduces "The 7-step model for sustainable change"
Life can be a journey of creative unfolding. But you need to be in a creative state to participate in that journey. You need to know how to effectively develop each of the core elements needed for lasting change. And you need to know how to deal creatively with the many unexpected bumps in the road.

During this module, you will be able to practice and learn the Creative Mind 7-step method for living life as a creative journey:
Open a positive space.
Set a positive intention.
Welcome obstacles.
Add resources.
Weave into positive identity map.
Commit to positive action in the world.
Practice every day.
This workshop is experiential and intensive, while providing clear and practical frameworks and methods.
You will have access to the video recordings forever!

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CM 2 module: 3-day
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"Bringing Generative presence to negative patterns"

Group process with Stephen Gilligan, PhD
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